The cast and crew of the runaway train is back for more action! The port town of Al Lagosa is (remarkably) still standing. Rave has been contracted for his first Mercenary Solo mission. (It’s probably not janitorial work).

Joined by a young Umbra, flung far from her home in search of human societies’ secrets, Rave will be sent into the dark reached of New Xexoria.

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Hello there, internet!  You thought there was no news BUT GUESS WHAT WE GOT MORE NEWS!

First item to report is that Sordid Dystopia is coming along splendidly.  Our gracious master editor Sam has created the master page templates for the published version and has more than half-finished the present manuscript.  Our herculean exemplar of a writer is taking your comments from the playtests and writing the rest of the game as needed.  Or as it comes to him.  The world may never know.

Additionally, we’ve been lucky to start receiving fanart from some awesome people:  Chris and The Blind Artist.  Chris’s stuff can be found here, and The Blind Artist’s stuff can be found here.  You can also check it out on our wiki page for incredibly high-resolution everything.

We cover an actual topic in this show as well:  The GM Voice, and approximately how to use it to create atmosphere in horror and drama.  I say “approximately” because there’s no real formula to this practice.  We can only explain the phenomenon anecdotally.

These topics, your questions answered, and Andy Roonie tonight!

The strange treasure hunt continues! The gang, having survived their experience in the junkyard, are off to pay a visit to Rebecca Black.

In the meantime, August is contacted by the High School’s Janitor-Sorcerer, Cecil. The cryptic information broker takes him out to get pizza, and makes him a deal. He’ll help August get rid of Buibui, if August tracks down a certain redheaded Irish boy.

It seems like a solid deal, until it quickly becomes clear that Brendan is linked to some very scary stuff. Shadows lurk in his past.

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Welcome one, welcome all, to the Polk County Annual Harvest Festival! We’ve strung up the lights, pitched the tents, and set the carnival rides whirling.

It’s the beginning of Autumn. The apples are red and ripe and the dough is all fried. The first winds of Fall are blowing.

But beneath the merriment and festivities, just underneath the good smells drifting on the late August wind, there is something foul.

Seeds have been planted. Harvest, and the time of reap, comes soon.

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The treasure hunt led the kids all over the city, and then back home as the sun began to fade on the horizon. They’ve got a lead – Rebecca Black, the reporter. But before they can track it down, the kids are locked inside Frieda’s for the night.

Their new friend, Tim Rodgers, has some things to reveal to them. And the next day, a side trip to the strangest junkyard in America must be made.

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