SAFE – 3 Little Bros and the Big Bad Carl


So a couple months ago, we wanted to do a session, but had no ideas for what to play.  Alex told me to make something up on the spot.  I had no idea what to do, so he proposed something about holding out in an apartment against a zombie apocalypse.  I was all for that, so we made some characters.  What I didn’t realize was that they made a bunch of fraternity brothers.  From there, everything went crazy.


  1. Hey, I tried to reverse that course of action. Then my arm was cut off.

  2. This is why my trust for men named Steven is often limited.

  3. Thoughts throughout listening the session:

    When you guys said six-lane highway, did you mean six lanes each way, or six lanes altogether?

    Also, aren’t hollow point rounds illegal in general in the USA due to the Geneva Convention?

    So, your best idea was to shoot the living powder keg with a fire ball(or flare), when you’re on the roof of a building, standing nearby, where you can fall off the building, and the zombies are attracted to sound according to what was said?

    Apparently, an unintentional innuendo makes for the best jokes…

    Steven’s Adventures in Haphazard Amputations…

    …Well this got screwy real fast.

  4. Clearly, Nate wasn’t a full-on zombie because a bite to the hand isn’t enough to kill. Carl, on the other hand, took a deep bite to the jugular. He bled to death within a few minutes, and that was when the virus set in.

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