
Last month, people began disappearing near the southern edge of the San Carlos Indian Reservation, west of Phoenix, Arizona. As the Arizona highway patrol and the Apache tribal police began to investigate, they noticed more disappearances connected to that area. Tourists and locals have vanished along State Road 70 along with an Apache sheep rancher, Victorio Begay, and his wife and kids – plucked seemingly right from their beds.

The national press has already picked up the story, dubbing the stretch of road “The Devil’s Highway.”

FBI Special agents Erin Honeycutt and Barnabus Keene  have been brought in to head the investigation – using the pretext that since there were no bodies, the disappearances are kidnappings and not murders. But State Road 70 hides a dark secret, one that will kill to protect itself.

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1938: Toil, Illinois. A peaceful town that has weathered the hells of the Great Depression on the backs of its hard-working inhabitants and their soybean crop. Toil is a good town, a righteous town, a place for good people to live and grow.

But Toil holds claim to a desperate secret. And now that secret is about to be unleashed.

Revelations is a product of Hebanon Games, and can be found here.

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1967 Brazil: RYAN WHITEHEAD, hot off the success of his first novel (Man Jesus with the Golden Arm) has become a revered author in the growing American counter-culture. Described as “the next Hunter Thompson rising from the swamps of Southern Gothic,” the author has his pick of book deals and assignments. Seeking to cash-in on his long-awaited success, Whitehead signs a contract with Blammo! magazine for a cover piece. The determining factor in his decision? Free tickets to Brazil and a per diem for alcohol.

The piece is meant to cover construction of the Transamazon Highway. After the coup of ’64, the military government promised the people they’d cut a highway through the untamed jungle that ran the length of the entire river. Rumor has it that the encampment of the workers, nicknamed “Little Altamira,” is a lawless border town of drugs, sex, and every other vice imaginable. The town limps behind the steamrollers, rebuilding itself every day so it can party all through the night. Blammo! is eager for a piece over this lawless bordertown in Whitehead’s inimitable style.

At the insistence of the author, accompanying is ALBERT CAPCHKA, Ryan’s life-long friend, lawyer, and drug dealer. Making sure the boys actually do some writing at the end of all their partying is GABRIELLA LARENTINO, a Portuguese immigrant, editor for the magazine’s feminist coverage, and all-around professional stickler.

Together, they head down the river to intercept Little Altamira as it cuts its way across the jungle. Then things go terribly wrong, of course.


This was one of the Skype sessions run by Hebanon Games and RPPR’s own Caleb Stokes, for his successfully funded Kickstarter “No Security: Horror Scenarios in the Great Depression.”

Be sure to check out Hebanon Games ASAP!

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Hartford, Connecticut: the North End. One of the most dangerous districts in one of the nastiest cities in America. It’s a grey, snowy morning in the middle of Winter 2010, and horrible things are afoot.

One Kevin Goff has been found brutally murdered in the remnants of his car. Something has literally torn him limb from limb in the night, leaving the evidence sitting in the middle of the street.

Now a team of FBI investigators must attempt to track down the killer before they strike again and set off a wave of violence across the North End. Because Kevin Goff is not a simple victim of gang violence; he is a man with terrible secrets.
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Last session, our protagonists witnessed the murder of one Patrick Whitaker by vicious unearthly monsters. Carrie Coen was driven briefly insane upon witnessing this murder, and her partner and Castle Investigations began separately digging into the case.

Vince and Mike backtracked Whitaker’s trail and found his car destroyed, in a manner as if his attackers had been enjoying the hunt.

Anthony Campbell, learned of the Owl’s Brotherhood and that the murdered Patrick Whitaker was on a mission to visit someone named “Mallard,” a “crazy old hermit” in the Bayou on their behalf.

As night descended, Castle Investigations took up residence in Montegut’s hotel, setting up an ad hoc darkroom. The best photo, crystal clear, showed two dog-monsters made of flesh and bone, the smaller tearing into Whitaker’s throat, the larger staring directly into the camera with a scary, dark intelligence.Continue Reading