
Last session, the Firewall agents earned their salaries. They crashed a mech party, challenged a crime boss to one on one combat, and then impersonated too-rich-for-their-own-blood Hyperelites to gain access to the inner chambers of Skinesthesia. While Noah donned his old personality and spun a web of deceit, John and T.O.M. managed to find the lab where Dr. Worthmeyer was conducting her research.

Unfortunately, what was waiting for them was horrific beyond words. The Firewall agents, barely managing to contain the exsurgent threat that had consumed Dr. Worthmeyer, beat a hasty retreat. They managed to cover their trail with some desperate clean-up tactics and composure under pressure, delaying the sure-to-follow investigation and buying themselves precious time.

It seems, however, that Akinye is almost ready to make her move. She has a deadly Basilisk hack, TITAN nanotech, and her fingers on the trigger of an unknown number of exsurgents who are ready to pop.

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Last session, there was a dinner party. The most ridiculous kind of dinner party. Where the most posh people (and some just pretending) were served the most awful food, all for the chance of earning an invitation to a bidding event. Bidding for what? Well, something big. Something priceless. And only the “best bids” are going to be accepted. This certainly isn’t foreboding at all.

Well, to say the least, Schoenerberg and his bridge crew managed to get their auction invitation. What awaits them next? The strangest auction with the strangest people for the strangest thing . . .

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Essentially beaten by Fel and buffeted by another Rogue Trader, one who happens to have a bitter history with our Lord-Captain, Siegmund Schoenerberg, The Brigand’s Lament makes a bitter port at Footfall. What’s next? Well, a great time to cut their losses and go shopping. No, really. This is how people with a near infinite supply of menial income blows off steam.

Footfall, however, is a pretty awful place, rife with corruption and an incredibly arbitrary hierarchy that makes virtually no sense . . . as the Lord-Captain and his bridge crew is soon to realize.

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The Firewall team, having been given some forced downtime, promptly ran smack into a series of increasingly dangerous problems. Someone has deployed a basilisk onto the mesh. Its capabilities, motivations, and intent are unknown. A hypercorp bureaucratic drone was subverted and was apparently used as a puppet to begin some sort of sabotage using recovered TITAN nanotech.

PROX-E KING has ordered the Sentinels to make all possible haste to shut down Akinye and her Red Devils terrorist organization. Unfortunately, the spies have almost no information about Akinye or her organization, and their plans, location, or intents. Flying blind, they have to attempt to track down as much information as possible and then make their move, before the Red Devils strike.

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And so we come to the climax of Lord-Captain Schoenerberg’s hunt for a piece of his family’s old legacy. It’s nothing he’s got specific claims over, but as far as the stories go, a ship so full of riches it was gutted to hold more riches . . . well, that’s bound to be worth something, right? Worth a chance to save an ecclessiarchy vessel, a sight seeing trip to a distant system that no one really wants to claim, and a journey to a pair of uninhabitable worlds with some interesting historical details. Oh, also FRIENDSHIP and TEAMWORK in the grim darkness of the far future. It’s worth that, too.

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