
So, the kids screwed up yesterday.  They went to go see a movie that Mrs. Frieda specifically forbid and were spotted by. . . someone.  When they had to hoof it, though, George decided the best way to escape was to call his giant firebird and fly back to the house.  In any case, Frieda knew that they went to that movie, and found a suitable punishment:  Helping out at the local LDS Church.

During the previous night, the kids were serenaded by their local pastor and missionary Elder Dane.  The kids see the opportunity to go clean the church as a way to find out more about this very strange man.  Meanwhile, everyone else proceeds to clean or set up the church in their own ways (sometimes ways that they’ve invented).

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It’s Sunday at the Halfway House, and that means two things:

  1. Some boring missionaries from the LDS Church are going to come and give a short service
  2. The rest of the day is fairly open to whatever you want to do  (LAZY SUNDAY!)

The missionaries at the Troy Ward have just switched out recently, and the new guy appears to be vastly different from the previous ones.  That doesn’t mean that the kids are going to treat him any differently, though.

Following a very unusual service, the kids decide what to do with their day.  It turns out that Emma just heard about a new movie coming out, and she’s gotta see it now.

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So a couple months ago, we wanted to do a session, but had no ideas for what to play.  Alex told me to make something up on the spot.  I had no idea what to do, so he proposed something about holding out in an apartment against a zombie apocalypse.  I was all for that, so we made some characters.  What I didn’t realize was that they made a bunch of fraternity brothers.  From there, everything went crazy.