diehighsideThe News 88 Heliteam is a crack team of journalists, seasoned in the field. They’ve seen it all. Until now.

It’s July of 2012, and the News Team is finishing a report on a police chase winding its way through Chicago when they see something horrific happen at several hundred feet in the air.

The upper reaches of Chicago hold a terrifying entity, and it won’t take an ace reporter to figure out it can get very lonely up in the sky.

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The long journey to Alaska swings north now, to a small town wrapped in snow and cold, filled with dread and waiting for liberation.

Here, Megacorp has its hands in some very nasty things. It’s up to the wayward travelers to free the town.

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Persistencia: land of beauty, incoherence, and brilliant confusion. The bus carrying the Alaska-bound adventures slipped carefully across the bounds of reality and ended up firmly in this swirling chaos.

In order to escape, the kids must unravel the inherent logic of Persistencia and make a deal with someone who is probably much, much worse than the Devil.

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