
Christmas was survived, and successful. Unfortunately, nothing stays peaceful these days in Troy.

Eld has an unhappy visitor, Butch has returned from a visit to South America and is looking well the worse for wear, and George and Caleb have an offer for him.

Troy is darkening, and an old evil is stirring in its shadows.

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The first month of middle school in Ichor Falls, 1986, began calmly, with a trip to the Rand Historical Society Museum. For the local kids, it was just one more inundation of the town’s boring history. For four students, newly moved into the town, it was the beginning of something they will be forever unable to explain.

The students found and read a book of local stories, some of which seemed to possess supernatural powers. The story of The Stitched Man brought forth a nightmare into the bedroom of Thomasine Goode. Some dark, malevolent thing has turned its eyes upon the newcomers, and it wants them for its own.

Can the four friends survive the darkness that Ichor Falls brings to bear?

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Christmas is a magical time of anticipation and wonder for children around the world. The night before Christmas is all too long and the night after so short. Some children love Christmas so much, they want it to never end.

What is it about this time of year that entrances so many people? Is there a magic inherent to the season or is it really just the collective will of countless believers pooling their want into a single night?

With so many children putting so much effort into a single wish, surely it can’t go unanswered forever. There must be a tipping point, the snowflake that causes the avalanche. For most, like so many childhood dreams, the wish goes unfulfilled. For one little boy though, that wish seems have come true. He must be the luckiest kid in the world, right?

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Tim, having suddenly regained free will, has some errands to run. There are people he needs to talk to, and plans he needs to hammer together in order to take down Slash Hackman. Justice needs to be served, and Tim owes debts.

Other preparations are being made to attack Hackman; Emma has a favor to call in from Elder Dane, and Nele is determined to train her and Scott in self-defense.

Meanwhile, strange events are building up again in Troy. The Mayor of Troy has a new direction in the search for Slash Hackman, and someone is trying to track down Etsu.

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Having capered their way through Oz and created a new Witch, the kids have decided to head home. Their postcards are exhausted, and it seems like the Road Trip is coming to an end.

Unfortunately, terrible motel rooms are still a requirement (as well as floor sleeping and bed sharing). Of course, things aren’t what they seem.

A strange tape is played. An adventure awaits.
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