
The final leg of the Alaska journey is in progress, the bus now full of slightly awkward tension and with one hundred percent more legendary swords.

The border crossing out of Canada is dead ahead. Beyond, Juno and the truth. Scott is close to finally knowing his family’s history and the secret of his existence.

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Mt. Pleasant was saved, even if not from the desecration of its innocence. The group has moved on – their full destination ahead.

But there is a moment of nightmare in store. Their new location is imbued with darkness. There, a traveler waits – a Wanderer in the Dark. Following him will lead the group onto a path that will change their lives forever.

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Mount Pleasant has been taken over by a possessed horde. The locals are all under the sway of something malevolent; only a few people are still free, and their numbers are dwindling.

The horde must be stopped, with one decisive blow. It’s up to Scott and the rest of the gang to save the snowy town from its doom.

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The long journey to Alaska swings north now, to a small town wrapped in snow and cold, filled with dread and waiting for liberation.

Here, Megacorp has its hands in some very nasty things. It’s up to the wayward travelers to free the town.

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