The thrilling conclusion to the campaign! Last time, dark secrets were uncovered, Uso was put under house arrest, Billy Joel was put into jail, and the army came to town.

The military is massing on the outside of the town – as the session opens, our heroes have them under observation. They are well armed, well equipped, and appear to be on the cusp of an amphibious attack.

Can our heroes unite their allies to stave off destruction, or will they fall?

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The crew of the Duquetimme finally have reached a point of equality with the Umbra, and are making strides with the original landing crew to cut lumber and rebuild their old ship.  The success of the voyage is questionable, but they have discovered the existence of the island and its viability as a trade hub, thus making at least some headway for the Poulin Trading Company.

As things are starting to look sound and solid, Niklas notices a new set of sailors making a beachhead on the far coast of the island.  He doesn’t recognize the flags, but they appear to be different than those of the Duquetimme.  Things will not be nearly so easy for the parting of the Duquetimme Crew as they first appeared, perhaps.

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Following their discoveries from the previous days, our intrepid trio makes plans to investigate the hidden sections of the mine.  Agnes gets out bright and early to go in with the Sheriff, but the Sheriff is called aside by a tolling bell signaling the weekly mail barge.

After a brief interchange wherein it is discovered that the town has nothing to pay these couriers for their goods, it’s revealed that the less socially inclined member of the village has a number of items that are will sell for great value.  An hour later, the Sheriff finally meets with Agnes, whose anger towards him is cut short by a great booming off in the distance.

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After much trading and intrigue with the Xexorian vessel and the Sultan they met, the crew is working to avoid the massive storm coming their way. They begin to sail due south, even further off course.

Meanwhile life on the ship slowly settles back into routine, with all of the crew dealing with minor problems that have cropped up. Edouard drafts a new ship’s cook assistant, Yaeger fails miserably at sneaking into a locked room, and Leon, on his way to visit the Captain, finds Isae’s previous ‘suitor’ attempting to engage in lewd behavior. Leon attempts to show the man the error of his ways.

Unfortunately, knife fights in the middle of the ship about a woman don’t tend to go over well with authority. Needless to say, tensions on board are high, and are only going to get worse.

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As the sun rises on the village of Grikafa, so does a new leader to a position of power.  Agnes Mikhail finds strange men in red suspenders knocking on her front door, and when she lets them in, she finds them led by a man known only as Hassim.  He asks for a number of foodstuffs and her store’s only hunting rifle.  She resists, stating that none of this makes any sense right now, but Hassim claims that they will need to share all of their resources and eventually parts with the food and weapon.

Agnes leaves her house in frustration, walking around the shoreline and throwing rocks to alleviate her rage at this man who barged into her house and took her things, claiming that they will be needed by the rest of the town.  After tossing the first stone, a strange sight on the other shore catches her eye.  A group of men, armed with clubs and guns, stand ready with barges.  As they begin yelling demands across the river, Agnes realizes her life is going to be much less simple from now on.

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