
Mount Pleasant has been taken over by a possessed horde. The locals are all under the sway of something malevolent; only a few people are still free, and their numbers are dwindling.

The horde must be stopped, with one decisive blow. It’s up to Scott and the rest of the gang to save the snowy town from its doom.

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A sentient mold has run amok in the PIXIE facility. Massive quarantine procedures are now in force. The young psychics have been trapped in their rooms for hours. Anitchka is wandering the facility as a ghost, and is the only one who knows that poor young Vlad is the Mold’s next victim.

Decisive action is called for, but with no power, and trapped in individual rooms, what can they do?

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diehighsideThe News 88 Heliteam is a crack team of journalists, seasoned in the field. They’ve seen it all. Until now.

It’s July of 2012, and the News Team is finishing a report on a police chase winding its way through Chicago when they see something horrific happen at several hundred feet in the air.

The upper reaches of Chicago hold a terrifying entity, and it won’t take an ace reporter to figure out it can get very lonely up in the sky.

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The PIXIE facility is a bastion of secrecy and deception. For the young Russian psychics, this just means there are countless things to explore.

Unfortunately, some secrets are meant to stay secret, and some hidden things are much more dangerous than others.

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