After a mysterious summons, the Centurions are given their strangest task yet. It seems that someone is planning a heist attempt on the Society of Weights and Measures, in order to steal the Kilogram and wreck havoc on the world!

In order to thwart this heist, the Centurions must secure the Kilogram for themselves.

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The Centurions have discovered the primary base of the purple zeppelin murderers, and plunged deep into their sanctum. They are fighting off hordes of undead ghouls, trying to rescue Big Fucker Jones. Will they succeed? Can they escape the City of Empty Graves?

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Sam and Matt recently returned from GenCon 2014, after running 8 different games for Arc Dream publishing.  After each day at the con we recorded a short breakdown of the day’s events.  This being our first foray into GenCon, we didn’t do a lot more than run all of the games we had scheduled and troll the dealer’s hall.


-Meeting Ross Payton, Shane Ivey, and Greg Stolze and bugging them while they were working
-Teaching new people to play MaOCT
-Sam’s CoC game with 5 players who were very likely hung over
-Learning new random board games
-Magic 2015 Midnight Madness

Several new members are being added to the Project, and it falls to the psychics of PIXIE to shake them down and get them used to the team. Of course, the brief training will be pushed to the edge almost immediately, when a daring mission comes to the fore.

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