The kids are beaten, tired, but momentarily victorious. Linda’s life is slowly falling apart, being sucked into the inky blackness of the reverse world’s influence.

It’s time to regroup. They still don’t know enough about what’s going on, and that lack of knowledge is quickly becoming a liability.

Can they press on and shine a light into the darkness of Athens and illuminate it for good?

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Just about all of the Frieda’s group looks like they just went through a meat grinder. The confrontation with Newt started bad and ended worse. The kids are beaten, battered, broken, and some of them kinda died. A little bit. And then they got better.

As it stands, they’ve gone to the only person willing to treat a group of supernatural poor kids who have a bad case of ran-into-a-super-soldier-itis: the Good Doctor.

There’s no easy way out of this situation, and the consequences have only just begun to unfold.

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The 8-bit world and the Glitch having been bested and Jackie rescued, the kids return to Athens (unfortunately having to leave Thunderbird, The Ultimate Party Bird, behind). They are beaten and bruised, but for the moment, success feels good.

They plan to continue the investigation into the identity of the strange burglar. The blindfolded, sword-carrying man has some connection with the reverse world, and the kids are going to find out what it is.

That quest will plunge them even deeper into the reverse world’s mystery.


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Manny’s gone. Kidnapped in the middle of the night by a mysterious assailant.

George is going crazy. Caught between a Mayan God and the rejection of the girl he loves, he’s confused and angry and ready to hurt someone.

Nele is in the middle of a self crisis, emotions and memories flooding in on his carefully crafted clockwork precision mind.

All things are up in the air, waiting for their moment to fall.

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Last time, the kids went into the Reverse Mirror World and kicked a giant Shade’s face in. That felt good. Unfortunately, they returned to their world to realize that things are still falling apart.

More and more people are going missing, and now someone (or something) is breaking into people’s houses. He wears a blindfold and carries a sword and apparently doesn’t steal anything.

Even stranger places and enemies lie in wait for the kids of Athens. Time, and a few well placed psychic visions, will tell of their fate.

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