Sordid Dystopia – Reflecting the Soul (Part 2)

The mission to steal the Book of Reflection is rolling along as smoothly as a train with no wheels and no track. The mercenaries, minus Omran, who managed to get himself trapped in the wheels of local crime, are dealing with elements inside the church.

They aim to pry open a way to the true Book of Reflection by playing the church against itself.

Can the mercenaries overcome the forces working against them from without and within to complete their mission?


  • Charlie – Alexis Béringer (aka Le fléau de vol). An international master thief. Dressed in plague-doctor’s getup, masked cat burglar, wanted in 2 nations.
  • Manda – Delilah Kanaan. Loves 3 things: Gold, guns, and more gold.
  • James – Sani Al-Fayhad. 6’6″ mound of scar tissue and muscle. Comes from an old pedigree of warriors, all of which have been called some variety of demon or hellion. Decided to turn to mercenary work.


  1. This is the podcast where every guy in the audience winces.

    Exploding dice on a called shot to the nuts.

  2. I’d say that I hope to see more of the fantastic duo of Delilah and Sani, but since this was posted more than a year ago I’ll just settle for saying that this was an absolutely wonderful listen.

    1. Author

      Thanks for listening!

      I think Manda remade Delilah in another setting, but the Sea Monster was never played in anything else.

      This game was actually played a few years ago. The ruleset of SD this used is pretty old now. Hopefully we’ll have the first edition released sometime 2014.

  3. I need to hear more about the Sea Giant. C’mon James, he is awesome.

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