Getting down to business, the Rum Runners have arrived at the seaside enclave Whaleland Yutuna to pick up a high caliber machine gun for their home enclave.  However, the rumors that the DHQS were on the job also turned out to be true, and the takers now have a fight on their hands between black ops mercenaries and a siege tactic to blockade their ports and attempt to beat down their doors with a casualty stampede.  The Runners are here to get their gear and get out quickly, but it seems that fate has different plans.

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The apocalypse has come and gone. Those left alive must carve out their own stake in order to thrive. When capitalism, the mysterious and dangerous government, and hordes of deadly zombies are combining to grind you into dirt, anything goes.

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The kids of Apple Court do love their games, and one with zombies is everything they could ask for and more. But when the mysterious forces that loom over Apple Court come into play, they will get more than they bargained for.

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Mount Pleasant has been taken over by a possessed horde. The locals are all under the sway of something malevolent; only a few people are still free, and their numbers are dwindling.

The horde must be stopped, with one decisive blow. It’s up to Scott and the rest of the gang to save the snowy town from its doom.

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The long journey to Alaska swings north now, to a small town wrapped in snow and cold, filled with dread and waiting for liberation.

Here, Megacorp has its hands in some very nasty things. It’s up to the wayward travelers to free the town.

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