
Once more, the tender calm of Prominence has been broken by gunfire. Someone with a vendetta and heavy artillery has declared war on the gangs of the city, and has marked their quarry in blood. The Spirits of Prominence are once more put to the test.

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The Spirits of Prominence have hatched a plan to break the back of the biker army besieging their home. The Elephant of Chernobyl will be trailed as the perfect bait, and the trap is now laid. Can the Spirits survive the battle they are plunging into?

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A heat wave is stretching across Apple Court, and ominous things are pursuing Mette. The kids of Apple Court are reeling from the ministrations of a manipulative psychopath, and the Closet Land is getting closer.

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Prominence is under siege, and it’s up to the Spirits of Prominence to break it. The Elephant of Chernobyl must crack. The gang must be broken, their plans laid to ruin, before the city is engulfed in violence.

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After a brutal fight with a squadron of Biker Gang members, the Spirits of Prominence have captured a significant member of the trouble makers: the Elephant of Chernobyl. Prominence is under siege now, it seems, and the Mask Killer is on the loose.

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