Five daring new Centurions have been invited to serve as judges at a technology symposium in the Alps. When they arrive, not all is as it seems! Somewhere in the cold, a murderer is stalking scientists. Can the Century Club find and stop him, before it’s too late?

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After the first round of the Underwater Martial Arts tournament, most of the PIXIES are left in the running. Of course, being psychic spies, they can’t help but investigate the heavily secured submerged base in their downtime.
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Charles Boutin’s long conspiracy has been fully revealed. The Firewall team dived into the depths of Luna and found the tree that would end all life: the TITAN shadowseed, grown into fruition by Boutin. The ex-PROX-E’s revenge and legacy must be stopped. The Sentinels must destroy Boutin and the thing that he calls his son at all costs.

Read the campaign’s epilogue, HOSTEL COMPLEX, here.

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Training takes all kinds of forms. Sometimes, it involves a mixed martial arts fight between secret Russian Federation covert-ops psychic soldiers where the entry requirements involve a crash-course in emergency diving. Clearly nothing will go wrong here, ever. At all.

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