Monday, 14th March 2011. This is a photo of my old knackered leather jacket. I wore it into uni today and just thought about how long I've had it for now... over two years I believe. I still love it! It was a good day today, I managed to get into uni for a studio meeting and got some good feedback on my work so far. In the afternoon I couldn't bring myself to look at work anymore so I spent the rest of the day chilling and when Kirsty came back from Uni we chatted and I cooked dinner whilst sorting out photos in the evening!

A father opens his eyes. A cold wind of revenge blows. From the Wasteland, a horrifyingly familiar face walks to the gates of the new oasis that the survivors are building.

He claims that his unfinished business waits inside.


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News has it that a set of schematics for a highly advanced combat robot have surfaced in Monaco.  The team is deployed to infiltrate and recover them.  Surely they will stick entirely to their mission goals and not be distracted by all of the excess wealth and luxury or fancy parties around the area, right?

Due to Disk Problems, the first part of this Episode was lost.  It is summarized in the recap, and we apologize for this failure.
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The notorious bank robber-turned-action hero Frostbite was deployed on a mission vital to National Security. She has not returned.

Now the remaining members of The Initiative must race to save her from the perils of Fancy Gap.
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