Dressed in red and black finery the cost of multiple men’s lives, Strephan Maurer idly sips at a goblet of wine and eyes the sky with a placid face. The peace was a practiced neutrality, holding back a steady tension with gossamer and decorum. He was ruminating. Ruminating on life. On death. And on his deep and utter boredom. Things were supposed to get exciting, another set of slayers and warriors, users of magic and prayer stepping into his valley. His drummed a set of manicured nails across the polished wood of his arm rest, each beat like that of his languid heart.

They had her. Tatyana, his soulmate trapped in the breast of another. His brow furrowed as he still stared toward the graying cotton of the clouded sky. He didn’t mind waiting for her, but the game had been patient. And like everywhere else he had set up the pieces. And then they came in, upturning the board as they didn’t even know the game was being played. Maurer lowered his golden eyes to stare across the western gate of the estate, the storms clearing to simple rain on the other side of the walls, hills and forest blocking his eyes but not his vision.

It had been long enough coming. He hoped they would play along, stumbling haphazardly into the affairs and secrets brewing in Pallas. The neonates he smuggled in. The efforts of Lady Wachter. The cultivated paranoia and obsession of Inquisitor Seeta. But alas, they were simply a distraction. And waiting just to show off, well… It seemed desperate. As the first line of smoke came up from the direction of the forest nestled town, Maurer smiled a gentle tired smile. “Rahadin,” he said clearly to the darkness beside him, “I think it’s time we paid them a visit.”
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”My Aetherian Rex boys’ll be on the motivational bills soon, just you watch. And judging by the mission report, they’re rubbing off on those bone-totin’ ferals as well. Emperor bless ’em.”
-Private Notes of Lt. Heston Rhodes. Timestamped ten minutes before the Evacuation of Kleins.

A job well done. Only a few casualties taken, in exchange for new territory in a war that seems to be without end. But a relic from the ancient past seeks to literally reshape Hervara to the whims of its owners. And the way back home becomes much more treacherous than anticipated.

Note: This episode was previously using the wrong file.  We have updated it to use the correct file.  Please redownload the episode.
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It was years ago that the Abbess, still tall and fair, came to reside in the confines of Krezk. The abbey had been there almost as long as she could remember, a cloistered building of of bone white, it’s graying walls visibly darkening against the fresh snow from disuse. But then it was named. The Abbey of Saint Traft. And that was when she took responsibility. She could still remember him, the legendary man who brought justice to lands near and fair to the shining field and towers of Gavony. His face was stern, but not grim. There was a softness behind his strength. And now he was dead.

She has seen him once, just the once before taking ownership of the old and poorly maintained stone walls of the abbey. A wispy figure, faint and flickering, candescent manifest will of the man she served. There was nothing she could do for him. But all those years ago as she looked toward the rest of her existence, she thought she could perhaps help others.

That was a long time ago, and she had changed much. The town had changed much, grown about her like roots from a tree. And she had became a rumor, a whisper on lips. She knew what they thought of her and her quiet solitude up on the snowy hill, only surrounded by those under her care. But she had fixed them. “And soon.” she spoke out loud, tracing a hand along the red haired head of the woman resting on smooth sheets before her. “Soon you’ll fix him. And they’ll be safe. But first… They must remember we care.”
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Your parents gave everything they had to serve the Emperor, and you will not – I repeat, will not – dishonor them or their memory by doing any less. You will be purified through prayer. You will be hardened by training. Sharpened by study. Your forebearers, being imperfect servants, -died- for a greater purpose. You, cadets, will -live- for one.

-Drill-Abbess Narcia, Opening Address to Hervaran Progeniae

The inspection of the Riser Creek facility begins, as the squad is familiarized with overland scouting by the feral worlders of the Cuyavale Close Infantry’s 1st squad. Initial reconnaissance makes clear what the Dominate hoped was only conjecture: the Orks have taken the facility.

But where are they? Orks are not usually subtle creatures.

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