Having purged the heretics on Novabella, the Inquisitors are gloriously reassigned to Desoleum for interrogation work.  This dirty clockwork world appears to have dredged up some mysterious rotten corpses.  The cause of death still remains unknown.

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In pursuit of understanding the loss of the grain tithe, the Acolytes meet with the head priest to ask about the aggro-harvest sedality while another team heads to investigate the Chapel.  However, it seems as though not all of the harvesters are in line with serving their emperor. . .

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The Imperial Inquisition exists to root out the enemies of the Emperor, wherever they roam. A festering rot has set in on the agrarian world of Novabella, and a fresh team of Inquisitorial Acolytes must cut it out at the source.

Danger lurks around every corner and masks itself in smiling faces. It will take all the cunning available to survive.

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Schönerberg accidentally took a trip through space and time, arriving on the exact planet that the Brigand’s Lament is travelling towards. He communed with the natives, learned their language, and earned their trust.

Then, suddenly, orks arrived on planet, as well as the dastardly Feckward. It’s up to the crew to rescue the captain, secure their new lead, and get out intact.

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