Recently, members of the Drunk and Ugly (joined by RPPR listener Patrick) got to play a game of Road Trip run by Ross Payton himself, as part of their Killsplosion Kickstarter!

Welcome to Sunny Vale, a beautiful city that finds itself in the grips of constant monster attacks. The only thing standing in the way of Sunny Vale’s total destruction are the Sentai Rangers – martial artists and ninjas with a fondness for brightly colored outfits.

Sunny Vale’s protectors are not all they seem, however – secrets hide behind the masks of the Sentai Rangers, secrets that must be uncovered at any cost.

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The kids managed to reunite Zoltron and the Sentai Rangers, but the meeting was not as sweet as they had hoped:  Zoltron was furious at the Rangers’ significant lack of effort to rescue him, and the Rangers became enraged at Zoltron’s lack of gratitude.  Zoltron and the Rangers split up and decided they all knew what was good for themselves.

This did not, however, solve the problem that the kids came to Sunny Vale for in the first place.  They managed to rescue Zoltron from his kidnappers, but they have not stopped the Rangers from destroying the city.  With the Rangers being unwilling to talk, the kids decide to deal with them the only way they know how.

(Hint: It involves punching)

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The kids have found out that their monsters will be sacrificed as tribute to some kind of ultimate monster.  Their only lead on the case was pulled through a black hole into another plane of existence.  Fortunately, the kids stumbled across five bizarre and unique postcards from their recent contact Jack Blackguard alluding to various machinations of the cult.

One of the postcards mentions Sunny Vale, CA, a place apparently hounded by a team of monster fighting superheroes who call themselves the Sentai Rangers.  As it happens, Sunny Vale isn’t more than a 3-hour drive from San Frandiago, so after a few “air-tight” alibis and managing to coerce someone with a car to take them there, the kids are off!

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