It’s early morning on Friday and Frieda’s horrible, screeching voice is calling our protagonists to wake up, and get downstairs. It’s time to sign up for extra-curricular activities at school (since most of the kids would be prone to lighting fires, graffiti, and harassing the elderly if left to their own devices).

After some extreme coercion to get Manny and Emma onto the bus, the kids are set off on the longest bus ride ever. A prank war ensues, Nele calls Emma fat, and George beats Manny in Rock Paper Scissors. (Also there’s a news report about some serial killer, but no one listens to it.)

Important questions are raised during this session. Will Jingles ever get rid of creepy kid James? How many athletic teams can Nele be drafted for? Will George ever stop throwing Rock? And just who is this strange, constantly sparkling ladies-man named Dash Princely?
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