Their job finally complete and a foothold for a colony established, the Brilliant Resolve and her crew make way to their next destination. On their way to Footfall, the crew once again encounters the horrors of the warp. Their trip is filled with hallucinations, damage to the ship, and even possession. Having earned some shore leave, they set out to find a retired navy general to be the administrator of their new colony.

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Shortly after this group of perfectly normal kids went to a perfectly normal class outing to the local theater, finding themselves literally immersed in the show.  They discovered walking behind the set that things were more complex than they appeared on the stage and that the lead actor may in fact be in danger from the goings on.  It’s up to them to stop it.

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Never has so much work gone into getting back what rightfully belongs to Faydra Ramirez.  In her quest to retrieve one of her family’s heirloom planets, she has been run through the warp multiple times from planet to planet doing favors for the planet’s current “owner.”  The Brilliant Resolve is now in pursuit of an SOS signal from a mechanicus on another planet claiming to also be part of The Schismaticus Collective.  If Faydra and her crew help them take back their own part of this space and keep out the warring factions, she’ll be party some answers finally.

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After a long voyage across Théah in search of an ancient map, the crew of the Fantoma Reine have finally collected and assembled the pieces and placed them in their receptacle in the ancient Canguin lighthouse.  The artifact directed them to sail far, far away in a direction that would lead them into heretofore unknown waters.  As the crew makes preparations for their most dangerous journey yet, they also write letters and make any final decisions should this voyage be their last.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me.

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At the request of Robert, the crew prepares to enter the warp to travel to the Rifts of Hecaton. The travel will be not without its usual perils, but the crew has some time to relax on their way. When they reach their destination, they meet a strange woman claiming to be part of The Schismaticus Collective, a secessionist group who wants their own corner of the galaxy.

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