Rogue Trader Episode 5 – The Dinner Party


Essentially beaten by Fel and buffeted by another Rogue Trader, one who happens to have a bitter history with our Lord-Captain, Siegmund Schoenerberg, The Brigand’s Lament makes a bitter port at Footfall. What’s next? Well, a great time to cut their losses and go shopping. No, really. This is how people with a near infinite supply of menial income blows off steam.

Footfall, however, is a pretty awful place, rife with corruption and an incredibly arbitrary hierarchy that makes virtually no sense . . . as the Lord-Captain and his bridge crew is soon to realize.


  • Kevin – Fascire “Scire” Gravitas.  Explorator and Enginseer Prime of the Brigand’s Lament.  A large machine-man obsessed with technologies new and old alike, about to encounter his best. Day. Ever. Also he now has four arms.
  • Travis – Winter Breze.  Astropath Transcendent, Transubstantial Initiate and Choir Master Telepathica.   A young woman who, in the process of becoming a sanctioned psyker of the Imperium of Man, lost who eyes, youth, and beauty. She treats the bridge crew like her own children or grandchildren.
  • Nate – Cavianne Omette.  Xenos mercenary.
  • Josh – Lord-Captain Siegmund Schönerberg.  The young Rogue Trader and last survivor of the Schoenerberg dynasty. Tall, dark haired, handsome, and very, very good natured and moral, despite what the grim darkness of the far future promotes.
  • Sam – Malakai Carver.  Arch-Militant.  A large, grizzled warrior with a pretty fantastically braided beard and an affinity for collecting guns. Lots and lots of guns.


  1. If I remember my Mythbusters shine is measured in GU, or Gloss Units. You can get a device to measure the gloss of an object.

  2. People do indeed listen to this!
    …even archive binge on it.


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