The sound of howling was something the folks of the outland valleys had grown accustomed to as the misty nights scraped the mountain sides. High Inquisitor Seeta Venlis, frowning in a solemn silence, knew this was where she would start. Pallas was an active town, still alive and busy, if aching and scared as it’s workers and shops endured working day to day in the lands forgotten by the church. And this is why it came to her.

Someone who would take action. The ridges and cliffs, fingers of stone wrapping around the heartlands like the grip of the fiends who held it… They would be free. One step at a time. And so they must feel safe. She thought about this, heavy black garb bound with silver glistening in the candlelight of her patron’s chambers. She was not a woman to leave well enough alone. Her hands tensed for the handle of a blade or the tightness of a quill, something for a solution. But the nervous tension wouldn’t break. A snort of inconclusive concern broke her silence and she surged to her feet, stomping through her aimless fervor. And then she saw it. A flash in the darkness, a marble of green light over the city walls. And as the howling followed the fleeing beast, she smiled. The first thing they needed was an enemy.

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The crew of the Brilliant Resolve showed their might in the Ring Master’s palace, proving they are the Saturday Night Slam Masters of Footfall. As they stumble from their victory and begin attending to the various wounds and concussions that title brings, they also find themselves in need of a new Void Navigator.  They have to head off to a local time ruled by a mob boss going by the name of Archimedes. They have very little information to guide them, except that their favor with this man can grant them or deny them significant access to Footfall.  Better to tread lightly.

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In the investigation of the attempt to bury the previous burgomaster of the town away, our valiant party ended up sinking into the depths of a church, finding a young emaciated vampire kept under watch by his father, the priest.  After a harrowing experience realizing the danger that such a creature presented, moreso than they could have predicted, they emerged battered but alive.

Returning with the news, they met back up with Ismark Kolyanovich and explained their circumstance.  The party was then able to persuade Irena Kolyana to come with them to the nearby city of Palas.  As they were preparing to leave, however, they came across a decrepit old crone selling apparently magical pastries.  This knowledge did not deter either Niccoli nor Faustus from consuming them and subsequently falling immediately into unconsciousness but feeling oddly at peace.

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The crew of the Brilliant Resolve survived their transit through the warp, and came out the other side with some people and items of worth.  Former Lord Admiral Saint Macarius has joined their cause. The galaxy is not without a sense of balance as they have now been in regular contact with the Primaris Factotum, so the crew gets together their finest regalia as their ship is ripped apart and rebuilt to Warp standards. They find their way to the Grand Administratum to argue Faydra’s case of remaining a Rogue Trader.

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Shadowgrange was dead. Donavich knew this in his heart even as it trembled from dawn til dusk. The town had never been a metropolis or even a center for the rallying forces of cathars and hunters that passed through the outland valleys, but time had looked upon the town with vindictive disdain. In the flickering candlelight of the barren church, he tried his very best to pray, calloused pale hands clutching a silvered collar with all of the faith he had left. But after enough time passes faith is not a shield anymore. It is a tether.

And he wasn’t sure how much he had left.

His blood was so close to the surface, beating beating beating feebly but steady below the skin. In the quiet luminescence he felt the wounds and marks across himself, scarred, scabbed, and open in varying states of healing. He hoped it would be enough. But the scratching, a devilish and constant needle through his thoughts told him it wasn’t. He need be a provider once more.

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