Just as the kids thought they were on their way to fun beach times, Donny turned on the headlights of the Westfalia to illuminate a few dozen gunmen who proceeded to destroy their newest mode of saving the world.

The kids need to figure out what’s going on and fast before they suffer the same fate as their vehicle.

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Following an epic struggle wherein the Grinning Man was dealt with, there is a lot of destruction and panic left in his wake:  Large portions of the town were damaged by the Grinning Man, people can’t account for lost time, many people are wounded, and some are missing.

On the player side, 4 kids were checked into the hospital, Donny’s car (their sole mode of transportation) was destroyed, and they now have no money for anything.  The worst of it?  A strange police officer has arrived at the hospital and has a few questions for Donny Chang. . .

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The Templar Knights of Notre Dame – an order founded to bring the light of Our Lady of Grace to San Luminaris. They serve as guardians of the peace and protectors of the common man from the perils of the darkness.

On their journey home, a textile merchant and his son find themselves embroiled in an adventure that will change their lives forever.
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